I have given Disney way more money than I should have with their outlandish pricing and horrible marketing methods. I have purchased every Appisode for my daughter because she loves them so much.
The app was updated on my phone. I should have known from past experience not to update, but I ignored my instinct. Now, when I try to restore my purchases it either freezes or nothing happens, which seems to be a recurring problem with updates. This is very frustrating! I, regrettably, spent over $100 to have a worthless, useless product that cannot be used. This needs fixed!
From a company as large as Disney you would think they would be able to afford some tech support. Think again!! They dont have a section on their website for this app and they dont answer emails anyway.
Disney, test your updates across multiple devices before you release them! Check and triple check your coding and stop rolling out updates as quick as possible just to push a new in-app purchase. It messes up everything that was previously functioning! Focus more on your users and the apps functionality than profit. I think that can be afforded. Disney only makes billions of dollars a year, which is increased when customers are HAPPY.
UPDATE: The new update still did not fix the restore issue!
Mrsjwkware about
Disney Junior Appisodes